Tuesday, June 7, 2011

IV Semester

IV Semester turned out to be one of the toughest semesters because of 2 very practice based (with long term benefits) full units - FM (finance) and MEE (Macro Economics). The 2 other subjects: HR (Human Resources) and QAM-III (Quantitative Analysis) were more class based learning.

 Photograph of the pizza toast (below) of Ankush Ved's farewell who decided to quit our WMP course - IIML for a Singapore job offer. We lost a 'productive' team member for our projects (so selfish!). He will be deeply missed.

The newsletter for IIML - IIML News Letter April 2011.

I dared to take an off during the closure week (a week before the exams) to travel to US for a week!! Result - I missed 3 quizzes - lost 25 marks straight away :( If I pass this sem, I know am not going to repent, else I certainly would :( - Anyway enjoy the US snaps here. Had to really rush up on exam preparation after coming back. Some of IIML seniors said "if one attends the classes well - one can easily pass" but it doesn't apply well for me because I cannot pass the exams if I do not study well :-)

The IV Sem exams are finally over now. Yippie, here comes the holidays after 1 full year of slogging and learning.!! I would definitely not touch any books -- would mainly concentrate on movies / gaming / touch base with people :)

Some HighLights:

  • Student Council formation 
  • New WMP Chairman for IIML-Noida 
  • India winning the Cricket World Cup
  • IPL-4