Tuesday, September 20, 2011

First summer break

After having slogged for almost an year juggling with office and a demanding MBA program finally holidays were here. Yuppie! We had made so many programs but finalized only one - the relaxation event:)

Luckily, I had a not-so busy office too so I felt really relaxed.

The importance of Saturday's was realized in this summer break. The weekend looked real big. It was as if prisoners were let loose for a month and they had gone berserk with their freedom! In fact, the average heartbeat rate decreased - yes (no kidding) I could feel it!

But IIML had ingrained the habit of reading and working hard that after 2 weeks of holidays I took up a project to (long aspired) development of an Android application. The idea in mind was to develop an application that would keep you away from the disturbing SPAM messages. After few weeks of effort "BLOCK SPAM SMS" was developed and is running successfully on thousands of Android phones. The best part is - it is being used more abroad than in India.

As the summer break was closing towards an end - I felt the dreaded feeling of no holidays for an year occupied the mind..

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