Wednesday, January 19, 2011

II Semester

The II semester was little less taxing than the first one. (May be we were getting in tune to the tough demands of the Working Managers Program or could be due to the subjects mix - 2 half credit courses). But had it been the I semester I am sure the students (who left the course after the I sem) would not have left WMP..

The subjects:
MANAC - Managerial Accounting - II
QAM - Quantitative Analysis for Managers - I
LAM - Legal Aspects of Management
DWO - Design in Work Organizations

These subjects were very informative considering the learning involved:
- Costing concepts and the wonderful cases,
- DWO - excellent learning via cases: Onida case / South-west Airlines,
- LAM - was interesting (when slides were not ON:)
- QAM had statistical concepts that could help in future.

Delivery wise I would say - DWO and MANAC were the best.

The class started opening up with each other in this semester. They started sharing their marriage dates, new-born news and other big events that otherwise were not shared in the I semester. Groups for assignments and projects were formed (Remember the norming, storming, forming (not performing) :) for the submissions and tasks were divided amongst the responsible people. The 'others' stayed merry (lot of work you know:).

(Some links floated by Tanay Anand - WMP11 batch - {super senior!} )

Freshers party 08
Farewell ( WMP 09)
Visit to IIM Lucknow ( Main Campus)
Freshers party 09

A song sung by Rajeev WMP10 ( Pics from last year fresher's)
A group song ( Just for fun) WMP 11

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