Friday, January 28, 2011

III Semester

The greatest excitement about the III Semester was that it had 2 half unit courses! Hence less classes and less pressure. There were times when we had just 2 classes on saturdays - and lot of holidays too - hence it was lighter semester compared to the first semester.!!

Prof. Neerja Pandey made a great impression on most of us even with the small number of classes she took. The individual video recordings were highly critical - that made us learn where we make mistakes during speaking in public.

Prof. Rastogi from IIFT tried his level best to make us learn QAM-2. This course showed us some real good examples of how surveys and their analysis is performed in the real world.

On saturdays, we used to have presentations during the half an hour break - Tanay Anand was instrumental in this great initiative - Kudos to him! I attended a few presentations and they were real good - since they were from people having immense domain knowledge. The farewell to their batch too happened in this sem - (i.e. passing out Batch# 4). Parties till now have happened at the campus (IPMX cafetaria) only, be it our freshers party or the farewell. We had started having fun in our super-tight schedules (i.e. learning to manage!)

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